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Lola Thorne: Training in the workplace

Wellbeing at work

In the UK, low mental health in employees cost employers upwards of £45 billion a year. This cost is primarily due to staff absence, "presenteeism" (where employees show up but feel unable to perform well) and high staff turnover. 


Investing in your employee wellbeing sets you apart as an employer, and also saves you money. For every £1 spent on employee mental health, employers get £5 back in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover.


Moreso, employees who feel supported in their wellbeing are more motivated, which boosts productivity in both the short and long term, and employees are more likely to recommend their organisation as a place to work.


I offer various levels of support (from one off training to in depth consultation) to help teams and organisations to shift the culture on work/life balance, and put in long term structures to ensure managers and staff feel confident in going forward in their wellbeing strategy.


Training can include;


  • An introduction to mental health


  • Spotting the signs and symptoms of mental ill health


  • How to promote and talk about mental health with people you work with


  • Workplace triggers and risk factors


  • Protective factors for quick wins: Learning and development, Buddy systems and communication


  • Policies and practices 


  • Top tips for managers: Supporting employees with mental health illnesses


And more: sessions and content can be tailored to your organisation and specific issues.​

Stress management and building resilience

This workshop helps participants to understand their individual stress triggers so they can identify and manage work-related stress proactively.


This workshops explores tools and techniques to feel calmer in under 10 minutes, along with communication tips on how to explore your own feelings as a way to destress and how to communicate them to colleagues and managers with more confidence when asking for support. Participants learn their boundaries so they can better manage anxiety and take control with a stress management action plan.

Trauma-informed management

Are your managers trauma-informed?


This training is targeted towards care providing services and teams. This workshop can help managers to support front line staff which promotes staff retention and facilitates best practice. In this training we cover;


  • Trauma: the basics and the brain


  • Trauma-informed care as a practical solution and perspective, not another box to tick


  • Understand how trauma affects people and explore secondary trauma, the cost of unseen trauma, burnout and strategies for self care.


  • Key skills for managers to takeaway



  • Develop an action plan for becoming trauma-informed in your service.

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